Designed to simplify your future
For those taking the big step into the career world. It’s a daunting task to ask a 20-year-old to know how to network themselves, let alone go through a competitive interview process. But that’s where SOLO comes in. SOLO is designed to get you where you want to go without worrying about remembering to print out your resume. Instead, it’s all in the card, just a tap away. SOLO is fully customizable and made to represent you well. But not only does SOLO support you, it also supports the earth. By purchasing a SOLO card, you’re buying it once with the freedom to edit your information all through the app. 

SOLO’s straightforward and user-friendly interface encourages the user to engage with the experience that SOLO is inviting them into. SOLO provides an opportunity to make sure that the image and information that you want to be shared with a future employer is not only editable but also completely up to you. By uploading a pre-existing resume or walking through the resume builder questions that SOLO provides, the content that is shared with an employer is sure to be up to your standards. The fully custom card is where you get to choose material, color, font, and more. This creates a one-of-a-kind card that makes you proud to say your name. The focus is on your future helping you build your confidence, and no one is more ready than SOLO to get you there.​​​​​​​

External Deliverables 
Illustrator, Photoshop, Figma

App Design, Tablet Mockups

Project Type
Visual Identity, Brand Identity, UX/UI Design, User-Research, Interface Design, Prototype

All images and content are subject to copyright.
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